image 50402049 scaled - PTSD Treatment in Washington DC
image 50402049 scaled - PTSD Treatment in Washington DC
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PTSD Treatment

Following a traumatic event, it takes time and support to heal and cope with the after-effects. In normal responses, people eventually find a healthy way to deal with their experiences. But if you continue to suffer severe distress after a trauma, you may have developed post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Therapy for PTSD is the most effective way to manage lingering emotional distress following a devastating incident.

What is PTSD?

PTSD is often associated with the military because of their exposure to distressing circumstances. But PTSD can affect anyone who has experienced trauma, even indirectly.

PTSD treatment seeks to address four categories of symptoms:

  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Mood alterations
  • Hypervigilance
  • Avoidance

Many of the symptoms requiring therapy for PTSD are related to altered or heightened physical responses in the body to stimuli that trigger traumatic memories.

Certain biological features seem to be present in some people, increasing their risk of developing PTSD after a distressing experience. Research shows those with PTSD may have an imbalance in serotonin and other neurochemicals in the brain that affects mood regulation, anxiety, and reaction to stress.

There’s also evidence of brain differences in those struggling with PTSD. This includes an altered amygdala and a smaller hippocampus, both of which deal with memory and emotion.

There may also be an increased reliance on the ‘reptilian’ part of the brain, which deals with survival instincts. This causes an individual to remain in a more reactive, stressed state.

How does PTSD treatment with medication help?

Currently, treatment combines client-centered therapy for PTSD and medication. The most common medicines prescribed to address symptoms are SSRI antidepressants. These stabilize serotonin levels to regulate emotions. This may relieve your symptoms associated with PTSD.

Specific symptoms, such as sleep problems, can be resolved with other types of medication.

If a traumatic experience continues to cause you regular distress, I can help with PTSD treatment in Washington DC. So don’t allow an already harrowing event to cause you continued suffering.