image 50402049 scaled - Psychiatric Treatment Services
image 50402049 scaled - Psychiatric Treatment Services
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Psychiatric Treatment in Washington DC



As a board-certified psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, I provide diagnostic evaluation and medication management for adults experiencing a mental health condition. Psychiatric treatment is often a necessary and effective therapy if you’re suffering from a mental illness or disorder. I take a client-centered approach to balance your brain chemistry and relieve distressing symptoms that interfere with your daily life. 

Many conditions often respond well to psychiatric treatment because of their biological basis. I specialize in outpatient psychiatry using a psychopharmacological approach to treat the following conditions: 

Depression – Countless chemicals in the brain play a role in mood regulation. These chemical reactions affect our perceptions and experiences. When they interact with stressful life events and other external forces, it can lead to depression. 

ADHD/ADD – The exact causes of ADHD or ADD are unknown. However, genetics and developmental problems in the central nervous system combined with environmental factors likely play a role. 

PTSD – Although traumatic experiences typically trigger PTSD, brain structure and hormones are believed to play a role in this disorder. 

Anxiety – A complex set of factors can cause anxiety disorders, including brain chemistry, genes, personality, and life experiences. 

Panic Attacks – These occur when the amygdala area of the brain receives a rush of adrenaline that creates the fight or flight response. In some people, this process malfunctions and happens even when there’s no imminent danger. 

OCD – The cause of OCD isn’t yet fully understood. But genetics, as well as structural, chemical, and functional abnormalities in the brain, likely play a role.

Insomnia – Health or mental health problems, stress, medications, changes in routine, among many other environmental factors, can cause insomnia. Medication can provide restorative sleep and get you back on a sleep routine. 

If you think you may be suffering from one of the above conditions, please contact me for a phone consultation. I’d be happy to discuss how I’m best able to help you or schedule your appointment for psychiatric treatment in Washington DC.

Do I Need Psychiatric Treatment if I’m Seeing a Psychotherapist?



Some clients experiencing the above conditions may already be seeing a psychotherapist. If so, your therapist may have recommended you consider outpatient psychiatry in conjunction with your psychotherapy.

When you combine outpatient psychiatry medication treatment with psychotherapy, it can speed up your time to recover and be the catalyst to a fuller recovery. Psychotherapy aims to address negative experiences and psychological factors that may have contributed to the development or course of your disorder. Psychotherapy can also provide you the tools to help manage behaviors that result from your illness or add to it.

With brain-based mental disorders, medication treatment through outpatient psychiatry is often a necessary component.

Psychotherapy can be more effective as medicine begins to correct your brain chemistry. The reason is that the chemical aspect of your disorder can no longer interfere with yours and your psychotherapist’s ability to discover and resolve underlying or other emotional issues.

Correction of your brain chemistry can also improve your ability to utilize the skills you learn in psychotherapy. As a result, you can progress to recovery more quickly and effectively.

If you’re working with a psychotherapist, I’m happy to communicate with your therapist upon your request.