image 50402049 scaled - Anxiety Treatment in Washington DC
image 50402049 scaled - Anxiety Treatment in Washington DC
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Anxiety Treatment

Occasionally feeling nervous or worried is a normal, healthy emotion. However, when these feelings begin to impact daily life, you may be dealing with an anxiety disorder. Anxiety treatment in Washington DC can help manage symptoms that impair your ability to function.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is feeling nervous, worried, or uneasy about an uncertain outcome and is a normal biological process. It becomes a disorder when it becomes overwhelming and interferes with your ability to function healthily.

There are multiple types of anxiety disorders, including:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (constant, extreme anxiety unrelated to specific situations)
  • Social anxiety (excessive distress from social situations related to fear of embarrassment or rejection)
  • Specific phobias (fear of a particular situation or object)
  • Separation anxiety disorder (extreme distress when away from a partner or other significant person)

Many possible factors can lead to an anxiety disorder, including hormone or brain chemical imbalances, excessive biological responses to stress, genetic predisposition, and even brain structure. When these factors interact with each other and lifestyle factors, you may require anxiety treatment to relieve the effects.

Anxiety treatment in Washington DC - Anxiety Treatment in Washington DCHow do I know if I need therapy for anxiety?

Diagnosis of an anxiety disorder is the first step in anxiety treatment. Do you experience recurring intrusive concerns or frequent physical agitation related to fear or plan your life around your anxiety? If so, I can help.

During your initial session, we’ll talk about the symptoms you’re experiencing and the severity of their impact. Once I’ve established a diagnosis, I’ll determine the best medication anxiety treatment to manage your symptoms.

Medication treatment for anxiety

Medication is often an effective part of therapy for anxiety which seeks to remedy issues with the biological processes leading to distress.

Benzodiazepines, I usually prescribe these for a short time for acute management of symptoms. They work to slow brain activity and have a calming effect.

Antidepressants, like SSRIs, may also be useful in managing symptoms of anxiety. These are taken daily for more prolonged periods to manage chronic anxiety. They prevent the reuptake of serotonin in the brain, which helps regulate mood.

Beta-blockers are another type of medication used for milder anxiety. They are taken as needed for anxiety-provoking situations.

Through your therapy for anxiety, I’ll find the best medication plan for you to ensure continued success in managing your symptoms. If you feel like your fears are getting in the way of your life, therapy for anxiety can change your life for the better.